Book Review
Name: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Published Date: 26 June 1997
Series: Harry Potter
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Mystery, YA Fiction
Overall Books: 8
Harry Potter is truly one of the best books ever! It is truly a task and extremely difficult to put the book down. It is filled with different personalities and people you have never even thought of. When I first read the book, my elation was an unbearable gurgle. I used to feel like I was on top of the world and a glow of happiness spread through her.
Harry Potter is a young boy with his father's black, silky hair and his mother's bright green eyes, along with a lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead. He has circle glasses and is too skinny for his age. Harry soon learns that he is already famous in the world of wizards. He also learns that his fate is connected to Lord Voldemort. Voldemort was an evil wizard who killed Harry's parents but was believed to have died when he tried to use the Killing Curse on the baby Harry. Fortunately, Harry survived, and everyone thinks he is the one and only who can defeat Voldemort and demolish his essence forever.
On his eleventh birthday, Harry learns he is a wizard when Rubeus Hagrid arrives to tell him that he is to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After tons of protesting from Harry's uncle and aunt, Mrs Dursley Mr Dursely, Harry decides he doesn't care what others think and is beyond excited to uncover the mystery of magic. He has no idea what lies ahead of him.
Once at Hogwarts, Harry is already made a best friend, Ron Weasely, who tells him all about wizardry and his own family. Ron is shocked to hear the tragic story of Harry's parents. The adventure starts when a troll is let out by Mr Quirell, which is later mentioned in the book. Hermoine Granger gets trapped in the girl's toilet where the troll is suspected to be. Harry and Ron save Hermoine's life and since then, they have been the best of friends.
Harry, Ron, and Hermione deduce that the treasure under the trapdoor is the Philosopher's Stone, which can transform metal into gold and can also confer immortality. They later discover that Voldemort has been killing unicorns in the Forbidden Forest and drinking their blood, another way to achieve immortality.
After receiving detention, Harry, Hermione, Neville and Draco serve detention with Rubeus Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest, searching for a wounded Unicorn. This detention session was held in the Forbidden Forest.
Harry, Ron, and Hermione deduce that the treasure under the trapdoor is the Philosopher's Stone, which can transform metal into gold and can also confer immortality. They later discover that Voldemort has been killing unicorns in the Forbidden Forest and drinking their blood, another way to achieve immortality. After a lot of research, they find out the whereabouts of the Philospher Stone and go after it just to find a bunch of surprises.
At the end of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, good conquers evil on many levels. Most obviously, Harry, along with Hermoine and Ron, keeps Voldemort from taking the Sorcerer's Stone. By doing so, they stop the Dark Lord from getting eternal life. The next day, Harry wakes up in the hospital covered with getting well soon gift baskets and cards. After having a serious discussion with Dumbledore, Harry is allowed to see his friends and visit the feast where Gryfindor wins to cup.
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