Character Description


                       Character Description


For those of you who haven't read it, please don't let me spoil it for you.

Name: Ginny Weasley
Birthday: 11 August 1981
House: Gryffindor
Gender: Female
First Appearance: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Most people would have thought I was writing on Harry Potter, but one of my favourite characters is Ginny Weasley. She has an amazing personality and a true Gryffindor. Let's take a look at some reasons why she is mine as well as most of your's favourite character.


In the beginning, Ginny Weasley is shy and a quiet child. As the story evolved, her personality changed. She became one of the most independent characters who does not care what others think of her. She is kind, sweet, loving and a beautiful girl with numerous different qualities. Many people thought that she is like Lily Potter, Harry's mother. Just as understanding and sympathetic as Lily Potter. Ginny Weasley is also tough and doesn't back down from a fight. She knows when she is wrong and is willing to admit her mistakes graciously. Her personality is exactly what made Harry marry her.


Just like everyone in her family, Ginny Weasley is also a red-head. She was mesmerising red locks of hair. She was brown hazelnut eyes which burnt with kindness. She has fair skin filled with tiny freckles. She had a wide mouth and thick lips which always curved upwards into a broad, beaming smile. She was mostly seen wearing her uniform in school, but in the holidays, when Harry came to visit the Weasley house, we could see her wearing normal clothes.


Ginny Weasley is the only sister and youngest of seven children. She is the first girl to be born in the Weasely family in generations. In the first book, we can see Ginny dropping of her brothers; Fred, George, Percy and Ron Weasley. She is quite upset since she is too young to go to Hogwarts. Fortunately, we see her getting the Hogwarts letter of acceptance in the second book, The Chamber of Secrets. She finds a diary and starts writing in it unaware of the fact that it is Tom Riddle's journal. For months, she writes in it and when Harry finds it, she steals it back without him knowing. One night, Harry and Ron hear the teachers talking about how Ginny was kidnapped and taken into the Chamber of Secrets. They become dejected and miserable. They decide to go and help her. Harry using parseltongue is successfully able to unlock the doors to the mysterious Chamber of Secrets. He unlocks the secrets the great chamber holds and finds Ginny unconscious. Tom Riddle assures him that she is not dead. Harry, going in rage stabs the diary with a basilisk fang, making Tom Riddle crumbling into ashes. He is beyond joy when he finds Ginny awake and conscious. Together, Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Professor Gilderoy Lockhart fly up with the help of Dumbledore's phoenix. Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Mr and Mrs Weasley are crying with tears of joy when they see their only daughter is safe and sound. Read the books to find out what happened to Ginny Weasley!
